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Seasons of the Night/
Masquerade and Other Tales/
Midnight and Moonlight/
Maiden's Song

I really loved this book. It was like getting four books in one and each one very different from the other.


In HEART'S DESIRE you have Bethany and Jessie who had parted three years ago through no fault of either. Upon Jessie's return he cannot stay away from Bethany and so they are soon back together despite a "slight" problem. This struggle only ends up bringing them closer and showing them just how much they were meant to be. I know I shall read this story for future Valentine's Day as that is how much I truly enjoyed the story.


In SUMMER WISHES, I fell in love with a different kind of vampire which intrigued me from the start of the book. It is Raegan and Tor's story and I am glad it was included in this book. Their unique situation kept me guessing and hoping through the whole story. I can see many books featuring Tor's family in the future and I would love the whole series, I am sure.


THE VAMPIRE IN THE ATTIC brings in Analie and Raiden and a lovely lighthearted look at two people who just belong together. I chuckled my way through the whole whole book from the first appearance of "Fred the Vampire" to the end. I know I would love a "Fred the Vampire" in my life and would have the same reaction as Analie. This will be a reread during the Halloween Season from now on.


A THANKFUL HEART is Rylee and Andreas's story which is based on a legend about a human woman said to be born once every three hundred years and I enjoyed watching come to fruition. I don't want to give too much away here. I shall conclude by saying that this would be a situation I would leap into with a whole heart as I dearly love vampires already.

Like I said, this book is a great read and I know for a fact I will reread in often. Mandy, that you so very much for another lovely and lively book and what perfect timing as I have been craving a new book for weeks! You never disappoint.

Sara Jane Turner
Sacramento CA

A woman doesn't find a near-naked man lying on the road every night, and especially not one who looks as good as this one. With a bump on his head and unable to remember much, he definitely needs her help.


Sandy already has her own problems – a failing ranch, hands leaving, and a note about to be called in by the bank. But she can't leave the poor man injured and unclothed.


Will taking him home prove to be a bad decision on her part? Or could he be her answer to a prayer?

A fairie of the light...
A creature of the night...
Romance and intrigue across dimensions...


A young woman in need of rescue and shelter awakens Devlin Andreas. He soon discovers this beauty is not as she appears and is embroiled in secrets and mystery. But Devlin's desire flames and he realizes he cannot let her go.

Roslyn is promised to another to save not only her family, but her entire kingdom. Then her dark rescuer kisses her... And nothing will ever be the same, even as she learns he is not quite mortal. Will a missing sister, ailing father, and royal duties tear them apart? Or perhaps, force them to rely on each other for their very lives?

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Queen Angeline lays writhing in the throes of childbirth, and only the magical power of a unicorn's horn can save her. Tasked with obtaining the unicorn's horn, Shandra, handmaiden to the Queen, calls the mystical creature to her with her song. By so doing, Shandra brings down the wrath of the wizard, Draga, who claims the rare unicorns as his own.


Unaware of the danger she is in, Shandra meets in secret with Mougadour, the king's most trusted knight, and in so doing, embroils the two of them in Draga's wicked plot for vengeance, putting their lives and the future of the entire kingdom in jeopardy.